OthentKMS dispatch() function

The dispatch() function allows you to quickly sign and post a transaction to the Arweave network in a bundled format. It is best for smaller data sizes and smart contract interactions. If the bundled transaction cannot be submitted, it will fall back to a base layer transaction.

Example Usage

To use the dispatch() function, import it from the @othent/kms package and call it within an asynchronous function as follows:

import { dispatch } from "@othent/kms";

const handleDispatch = async () => {
  // code to create transaction
  const res = await dispatch(

The dispatch() function supports the following arguments:

<aside> ⚠️ Note: A user must be logged in to an application to successfully decrypt data.



On successful execution, the function returns an object with the transaction id of the dispatched transaction as follows:

	id: "gySYprQ1nIQ6T6uHxmQQFcjBaxNzDOuB9zWM0piT7p0"

Applications can then display this id or use it for other operations.